Friday, January 25, 2013

Too Cold? & GBRCo. Winter Giveaway

As many of you know, this week I have run several workouts (about 30 miles - yes, I'm counting) on the treadmill.  Though I typically call it the dreadmill, I now feel I can no longer knock it.  This machine has enabled me to continue training for my upcoming February marathon without having to fight the evil forces of nature.  At this point, I kind of owe it some praise.  So, thank you, dear treadmill.  Now moving on...yesterday, after 3 days of running inside (not complaining here), I decided to give it a go on the road.  I said to myself, "Ok. 8 degrees.  Yeah.  I can do this.  Just five miles. 45 minutes tops.  Come on, Rebecca.  Get it in.  Get it done."  I got dressed in multiple layers and began to mentally prepare myself.  I used several motivating tools including, but not limited to, listening to Hits 1 (aka Top 40) on Sirius XM on the way to and from dropping my girls off at school.  But, alas, even the amped up beat of Pitbull's latest wasn't enough to get me out there.  I opened the door, took three steps, paused for a second, took a breath aaaand....turned around and went back inside.  I couldn't do it.  Once again, I ran inside.  And while I did this, I thought of several reasons why it's actually not a good idea to attempt to run outside in these extreme cold temps.  Here's what I came up with:

Top 10 Signs It Might Be Too Cold to Run Outside

Icicles on eyelids.  Too cold?
1. It's under 10 degrees.
2. It hurts to breathe.
3. You can't decide between 5 or 6 layers on top and 2 or 3 on the bottom.
4. You consider coating your ankles, ears and any other exposed skin with Aquaphor.
5. You can't do a farmer blow because all the "stuff" in your nose is frozen.
6. Your shirt has thumb holes, you're wearing gloves over the shirt and you still can't feel your fingers.
7. You can't skip a bad song on your playlist because it's too cold to deal with your iPod.
8. You start to feel tingling sensations on specific parts of your body indicating potential numbness.
9. Cars are slowing down as they pass you to either give you a strange look or make sure you're not lost or hurt.
10. There is NO ONE else outside but you.

If you live anywhere near the Boston area, or anywhere as cold or colder, and you ran outside yesterday - holy crap, you are a total bad ass (yes, Caitlin, that's you).  And maybe a little bit nuts.  For the rest of us...long live the treadmill!

BONUS: Greater Boston Running Co. Winter Giveaway

If you run in the winter, particularly in super frigid temps, you've gotta have decent winter gear.  Two key items are a warm hat and a good pair of gloves.  The good folks over at Greater Boston Running Co. in Lexington, MA (best local running store by far) were kind enough to give both a hat and gloves to one lucky RWM reader.  Oh, and in addition to these sweet Nike gloves and this cozy North Face hat, they threw in a Greater Boston Running Co. tech t-shirt, because you can never have enough layers!  Want these goodies?  Here's how to enter:

1. "Like" GBRC on Facebook

& then (if you want to up your chances)

2. "Like" RWM on Facebook.

That's it.  Just make sure to comment below that you've done it and whether you did one or both so I can count each individual entry.  The contest will end on Friday, February 1st.  The winner will be chosen by  We're sorry, but it is only available to US residents.  Good luck!

Listen to this:
Shelf Life - The History of Apple Pie


  1. Replies
    1. Soooo, the first person who won the Greater Boston Running Co. hat/gloves/shirt contest never claimed his prize. Your number was next on the list, so the prize will go to you if you claim it. Email me at so I can get you your winter treats as soon as you get a chance. Thx!

  2. I already liked your page and I liked the GBRC page :)

  3. Gabrielle (mareavivama)January 25, 2013 at 3:37 PM

    I like GBRC on facebook!

  4. Gabrielle (mareavivama)January 25, 2013 at 3:40 PM

    ...and I already like RWM on facebook!

  5. I already liked your page and just liked GBRC as Dani Freeman.

  6. Have done both! Glad I found your page. Should be a "heat wave" this next week in the Greater Boston area!

  7. Liked GBRC and already liked RWM but I added notifications - does that improve my chances?!! ;-) Have a good run today!

  8. I've done my part... and yes, I do prefer to run listening to music! :)

    1. Hey there,
      Thanks for entering. Can I add RR for your name? I am guessing this based on your link. Just need to put a name as opposed to anonymous on the entry list.
      ~ RWM (rebecca)

  9. I already like both awesome pages. Thank you!
