Tuesday, June 4, 2013

'Shine On' Award

“This award is for the blogs that shine,
make you feel good and are inspiring
to the reader.

This morning I received my very first blogger award....from another blogger.  How great is that?  Someone out there, wasn'tjustthewinetalking.com to be specific, enjoys reading this blog and felt compelled to let me know.  Her note to me today; "Spreading a little love...thanks for the inspiration!" It literally gave me chills.  It's truly wonderful to be recognized and I am deeply honored.

Here are the details of this particular award:

The Rules
1. Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Acknowledge that blogger on your blog and a link back.
3. Share 7 random interesting things about yourself.
4. Nominate up to 15 bloggers for Shine On Award, provide a link to their blogs in your post, and notify them on their blogs.
5. Copy and paste the award somewhere on your blog.

Random things about me:
1. I have never worn makeup and I don't know how to put it on.
2. I have never baked a cake from scratch, much to my children's dismay.
3. I have had 12 teeth pulled. (4 wisdom, 4 permanent, & 4 babies)
4. I am addicted to purchasing and wearing hooded sweatshirts.
5. Pizza is my favorite food.
6. When I was 10, I auditioned to be on a game show with my best friend.
7. I wish I could play the guitar.

Sharing the joy to:
~ ilikemargarine
~ The Thinks I Can Think
~ Pavement Runner
~ Running Starfish
~ Sounds that Matter

Again, many thanks to wasn'tjusthewinetalking.com for "spreading the love".


Listen to this:
All I Wanna Do - SPLASHH  All I Wanna Do - Comfort


  1. You are FAR TOO KIND!!! Thank you! :) Which game show?!

  2. ooh great song, I like it, never heard of splashh... love finding new music though.

    And yay on being nominated. I've only just started following your blog, but I am enjoying it so far, and I'm glad I found it.

    1. Thanks, Matilda! You made my day.

      PS - I'm guessing you have heard "Matilda" by Alt-J? So, so, good.
