"Oiselle (pronounced wa-zell) alludes to the feeling of weightlessness that most runners know and love. That sense of flight - when your legs go fast and your heart goes free.”
~ Sally Bergesen
Back in the summer of 2012, I was grabbing a coffee at Starbucks after having just gone for a long run. As I waited, a woman looked over and noticed either my sporty get up or the sweat dripping down my face (more likely this) and asked me how my run went. We got into a conversation about running and all things running related and eventually landed on apparel. We both agreed that there was a major shortage of companies that made quality running clothes for women that both fit well and looked good. She then asked me if I'd heard of a brand called Oiselle. Someone had recently turned her on to them, she told me, and they made the best running shorts she'd ever worn. And she'd tried them all. So, naturally, I went home, got online and ordered the shorts. They were called the Distance shorts, they came in 2 colors (orange and black) and they had 3, yes THREE pockets, which was huge as I used to have to stuff several different items into my bra straps and socks when I ran (ie. GU, key, money, & ipod). After one run, I was hooked. They fit perfectly, they didn't ride up in front (a common issue for me that I despise), they looked badass and they felt amazing. I started wearing them as often as I could wash them and daily laundry was becoming a bit of a drag. So, as you can guess, I went back online and ordered a second pair. And that's all she wrote. I instantly became and still remain a die hard fan. And I am not alone. Sally Bergesen, creator and CEO of Oiselle, saw a void and filled it by creating her own line of both feminine AND fierce women's running apparel. She designs with all women in mind; from the elite athlete to the recreational runner and for women of all shapes, sizes and ages. I've had the pleasure of hanging with this amazing woman and the love and pride that she has for her work is almost palpable. Her energy is so positive...electric, really....and when you're with her, it's contagious. And, the best part? She's just getting started. I could go on for hours but none of us have that kind of time. Instead, I'll pass it off to her. Let's meet Sally, a runner who rocks.
Name: Sally Bergesen, aka Chief Bird
Where you're from: A crazy town called Berkeley, CA
Where you reside now: A slightly less crazy town called Seattle, WA
Age (if you're ok sharing): 47 and loving it
Occupation: CEO of Oiselle, Designer of Apparel, Questioner of Authority, Run BFF to Dr. Lesko, Mother of two girls (16 and 13), wife to rad HS English Teacher and soccer coach, proud sponsor and friend of world class pro athletes.
website: oiselle.com
personal blog: sallybergesen.tumblr.com
Sally(in pink) hanging w/ some of her RUNFAMILY
What do you love most about running?
Connection - to myself and to others.
What do you love most about music?
Band (current, all time or both): I don't have a favorite. Too much good music in the world!
**funny sidebar - the first time she read my questions, Sally thought it was favorite BRAND. Might as well share her answer to this one, too.
Brand: Patagonia for apparel/gear. Apple for technology. Numerous very niche, very expensive lingerie brands.
Album (current, all time or both): Hard to choose. All Prince, the White Album (Beatles), Songs in the Key of Life (Stevie Wonder)
Race venue: No place like NYC
Music venue: The Greek Theater, Berkeley, CA
Race distance: Half Marathon
Show you've seen live: Just saw Alt-J. Best mood music ever... for creativity or making out.
Ice cream flavor: Haagen Daz Chocolate/Peanut Butter
Sweet or salty? Salty
Live or recorded? Recorded live
Coffee or tea? What's tea?
Summer or winter? Summer forever
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w/ Sarah Lesko & Lauren Fleshman |
Which band or artist would you go see tonight if you could?
Which band or artist (wait...but no longer alive or playing together) would you go see tonight if you could?
The English Beat
Which band or artist would you like to have dinner with tonight if you could? The Talking Heads
Which band or artist would you like to be playing alongside you during your next race (or long run)? Prince or Alabama Shakes
LAST ONE: (complete the sentence)
Today, I feel like…. an explorer headed back to the mother country. Been on the road for a week, and happy to be going home.
Top 5 Songs for running, dancing or both?
I don't listen to music when I run as I enjoy being away from technology and just hearing my thoughts, breathing. For dancing, 80's hits. Or good R&B. My teenage girls have a steady stream of music going, from JayZ to James Taylor.
Last 5 Songs you listened to today?
No music today sadly! NYC's honking horns...
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