Today's reader's pick is from Patrick C. Here's a little back story on this one. I was having dinner with friends at a restaurant when my ears picked up a song that I wasn't familiar with and wanted to figure out. I grabbed my phone and tried to
Shazam it. No dice. There was too much background noise. I ran to the hostess and ask her if she knew the song. She didn't but told me Patrick, the bartender, would because it was his iPod. By the time I got to the bar, the song was over and we couldn't go back and see what it was because it would have ruined their flow of the evening. I was pretty sure he thought I was nuts as I tried to hum the song. He was looking at me closely like he was about to say something and then he turned away. Ok, I had thought to myself. I'd have walked away, too if this was happening to me. But then, he came back with a piece of paper that had his email on it. He said, "email me and I'll give you the playlist. I'm serious. I'm really into music. I know how important it is to figure this out." And then he quickly got back to work. Yes! All I could think at the time was how lucky I was that he "got it" or they might have been asking me to leave the bar. We never did figure out the song, but when I went in the next day to write down his playlist (yes, I was obsessed), he told me he hadn't run in a while but when he did he liked to listen to one particular album. Thanks for your time, Patrick. And thanks for sharing.
Listen to this:
Blood Sugar Sex Magik - Red Hot Chili Peppers
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