Thursday, July 13, 2017


“Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” 
~ Henry James 

Back in early June, I sat down and listed out my summer goals.  I'm a task-oriented person and I knew that putting them down on paper would increase my chances of following through.  My list is both long and lofty.  But, I love a good challenge and I knew I was ready and willing to put in the time and effort to achieve each and every item.  I'm happy to report that, so far, things are going really, really well.  At this rate, my potential success rate is looking good.  With a month and a half left, I'll be kicking it into high gear to check everything off.  It's not going to be easy, but you know what they say....when they going gets tough, the tough get ice cream.  Or something like that.  Stay tuned.


1. Eat ice cream every day.  So far, so good.

2. Take naps as often as possible.  Extra challenge...two in one day.  I know.  CRAZY.

3. Spend as much quality time with my kids as possible.  Grace is more than willing to help with this one.  Rosie, not so much.

4. Read books.  Lots of them.  My dear friend, Andrea over at Born and Read in Chicago is helping me out with this one.

5. Wake up early for sunrises at least twice a week.

7. Meditate daily.  I'm really excited about this one.  Working hard to slow down, practice mindfulness and let go using Headspace.

8. Explore new music.  Twist my arm.

9. Break the rules a little.  Lucky Charms for breakfast.  Need I say more?

10. Take the path less traveled.

Listen to this:
Glory Days by Sweater Beats