Thursday, October 8, 2020


"Just like life, long distance running is a beautiful struggle with challenging obstacles to better ourselves."
~ Michael D'Aurelio

Post-run...waiting for my coffee.

On Monday I ran twenty eight miles.  It took me just under four hours.  That's a long damn time on my feet.  And plenty of time to dream up a good subject for a blog post, map out the post in my head, edit it multiple times and then repeat it out loud for the next three hours so I could hopefully remember it all.  Naturally, I came up with a post about this new (for me) ultrarunning world that I have quietly crept into this year.  I have yet to do an official ultra with a race bib on and a finish line to cross for obvious reasons but I have done several virtual events on my own.  You know, for fun.  And in so doing I have begun to notice a few key signs that I am now fully invested in the life of an ultrarunner.  Beyond the fact that I can't really find anyone to run with me anymore primarily because he/she doesn't have the time and/or interest in running for more than two hours (fair), below are a few of the other obvious indicators that the ultrarunner's life is now my own.


Post-run....the next day.

1. During marathon training my recovery runs used to be between four and six miles.  Now they are ten. Minimum.

2. I used to wonder how one could possibly be running long enough to wear a vest that carries water.  Now I have two of them.  One for long runs.  And one for longer runs.  And I can't imagine not having them.

3. The first thing I want to do after my long run is brush my teeth which honestly feel like they're rotting mid-run due to the amount of gels and chews I eat for fuel.

4. I've started exploring completely new genres of music (ie. Electronic, Bluegrass & Americana) as my current playlists now only cover about 1/8 of my weekly mileage.  Also digging around in other artists' playlists on Spotify like the one below by Electic Guest.  So many gems in there.


 5. When I tell my husband or kids that I'm going out for a run and they ask, "For how many?" they are referring to hours not miles.

6. When I only have eight miles left of a run I feel like I'm basically done.

7. I am burning through running shoes like candy.  Not great for the wallet.  And, no, I don't throw them out when they're shot.  I wear them to the ground.  And then a little more.

8. Squirrel's Nut Butter is my new best friend.  Never go anywhere without it.

9. I used to think a marathon was long.  Now I do one a week.  Usually on Monday.  Followed by a trip to the grocery store, a walk with my dogs, a few loads of laundry and then cross country practice.  Maybe a little Bed, Bath & Beyond if I have time.  I never know.

10. I used to think I drank a lot of coffee.  Ah ha ha ha.  Don't ask.

Listen to this:

You Do You - Bear In Heaven

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